We are starting the design Studio “Embracing Imperfection” at the RAvB with two “hands-on” workshops.
“Embracing Imperfection” is a design studio dedicated to experimenting with locally sourced natural materials. The research and design focus on fostering a regional materials economy, promoting a wholesome building culture, and exploring new architectural expressions that align with these principles.

Workshop 2 – Hands-on experience building with reed.
Exploring diverse methods such as thatching, weaving, and stacking under the guidance of reed cutter Wouter Slors and Thomas from Chrith Architects In the context of our design studio ‘Embracing Imperfection’ at RAvB where we explore the possibilities of building with locally grown crops, celebrating the imperfection of biobased materials!

Workshop 1 – Hands-on experience building with bamboo.
Building structures with Sanne and Robert from Studio Akeka